Emilee & Josh

Emilee & Josh

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8, 2011

It's been months since I've been on this thing!
This afternoon, we will have JP's first basketball game! Guess who is assistant coach? Yuppers, me! How can you say no when some asks? Someone teach me how to do it! haha.
It should be fun. The boys are then headed off to an afternoon of fishing. What will I do? hmmm...anything I want! LOL!
Pictures to come...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's been a while

I haven't blogged in a while.  We've been going 90-nothing lately, and life has been great!  Both boys are playing baseball (t-ball) on different leagues, and we are going to have a busy spring.  Scentsy is going great, my team is rocking!  We have 12 team members, and I might be moving up a level w/ our sales being so high this month.  Needless to say, I'm so happy.  Between baseball, my Joshua coaching and teaching these boys and Scentsy, I couldn't ask for more!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Break's Over!

Well, it's 6:59 monday morning...back to school, back to reality, yuck!  Or is it just 1 step closer to the next thing on God's list of things for me to do?  I think I'll take the ladder of the 2.  I just finished reading Vicki's blog.  Of course I read hers after I put my mascara on...Why?  One day, I'll figure it out.  I'm looking forward to the week ahead.  It will be crazy w/ testing on the rise, but like I said, one step closer.  The boys and I enjoyed our break.  We saw Alice in Wonderland, went to Chuck-E-Cheese, did some shopping, went to the park...etc.  We went in for some allergies JP has been battling and shots for Nolan.  They both came out w/ strep?  So we tried to pin them down...didn't work.  You can't even tell they are/were sick.  Josh got to spend some good quality time over break.  He let me venture off several times for several hours.  I almost didn't know what to do w/ myself and found myself a bit lonely at times.  (Not in the dressing room though...so nice to try on 20 pair of pants and 15 shirts w/o listening to my wonderfully charged boys)  I celebrated my "30th" b-day.  That's crazy to think my 20's are behind me.  Hopefully I will be in better shape in my 30's than my 20's.  The 20's were rockin years for me, got married, graduated from college, had 2 boys, started teaching, coached a bit of softball, t-ball, and started selling Scentsy.  I've done a lot and not in the best of shape thru it all. That will change.  It has to, but the most important transformation for me was getting saved...December 14, 2004---Amen!  I hope my spiritual life takes a turn for the better so I can check off God's list of things to do w/ confidence.  Well....time to go!  "Boys, get in the car!!!"

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sassy Meal Swap

So I'm in the works of forming a meal swap!  I started a group on facebook.  We are up to 5 women.  I think we might just start w/ 5 and go from there.  The idea is that I make the same dish 5 times, and other other women make 5 dishes that are the same but different then mine and the others...etc...Then we all meet up and give each other 1 of our dishes, and we arrive to our homes w/ 5 different meals that we put into the freezer and cook at any time.  How awesome is that?  So a couple hours on the weekend turns into free time during these busy baseball seasons....:)  My friend Jenny is genius for mentioning this to me.  I think I have heard of this before, but hearing it again made it different.  My friend Lanelle knew about it and was all about it so.  Nothing like friends being excited about the same things.  Jenny also mentioned being laundry friends.  That's where you let the kids play, send them outside w/ a bag lunch and the girls sit together and fold laundry.  I'm not scared for my friends to see my laundry...maybe i'll hold the under-roos to the side.  I HATE laundry, why not sit and chat w/ a friend while doing it?  I don't mind helping others w/ their stuff...Loving these ideas!  Another is getting together and prepping food after shopping.  I guess we are just dorky like that.  Any takers?